Vegetables are foods rich in water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and they are also low in calories, among them are:
It is a vegetable whose root is edible, orange in color, and shaped like an elongated cone.

It is an ingredient that serves us for many preparations in the world of cooking. It usually consumed in many ways, either raw, cooked, steamed, or we can add specific amounts to soups, stews, salads, cakes, among other meals, providing semi-sweet flavors, juicy sensations or crunchy textures. It is an ingredient widely used in Colombian cuisine. The truth is that I can not miss the carrot in the kitchen, and I use it in most of the foods I prepare. I like the benefits it brings to our health, and among those benefits are:
- It helps us strengthen teeth and gums thanks to the fluoride content it has, a mineral that is essential to maintain the excellent state of tooth enamel and prevents the appearance of tooth decay in our mouth.
- Fights constipation and stomach pain caused by poisoning. Because of its high fiber content, it also helps us with gastric discomfort and excessive acidity in the stomach. thanks to mineral salts such as sodium, chlorine, potassium, and B vitamins.
- It is a diuretic food and also helps us to disintegrate kidney stones, thanks to its high water content.
- It is an excellent relaxant for tired minds and also helps to calm the nerves, thanks to its content of potassium and phosphorus.
- Strengthens our nails and our hair, providing shine and repairing cells damaged by the effects of the environment, thanks to its beta carotene content.
- Improves the quality of breast milk, thus promoting the healthy production of it, thanks to its content of vitamin A and beta carotene.
- And in addition to all that, it is true what our grandmothers said, the carrot is also perfect for vision, because beta carotenes are protectors that prevent premature aging and that protects our retina and prevents the appearance of cataracts.
For these and many more reasons, this ingredient is so essential and used in most Colombian homes.
It is an edible fruit, of very variable size, generally cylindrical and green in color. It has a smooth crust, and its interior is white, with many small white seeds in the center.
This ingredient serves to bring freshness to the dishes, especially salads, making them more refreshing and neutralizing the robust flavors in our mouth. Its use has increased over the years and has adapted to various culinary applications. Among its benefits are:
- It is perfect for our brain, as it contains flavonol, an antioxidant that favors our neuronal connectivity.
- It helps us to fight tiredness and stress, thanks to the content of group T saw, which allows us to relax our body and fight stress.
- It improves our digestive health, thanks to its high content of water and fiber.
- Take care of our weight, here in Colombia, we women use this ingredient a lot in slimming diets, consuming it in a salad or as a shake.
- Protect our heart, by containing potassium; this mineral regulates our blood pressure.
It is a particular food in the diet of people who like to eat in a very healthy way.
It is a vegetable with a long, fleshy and succulent tail, whose stem we can see white and green leaves.
It serves to use as a condiment in soups and also helps to aromatize some dishes. It can be eaten raw in a salad or cooked and can add to certain sauces or stews. Its most recognized benefits are as follows:
- It is an excellent cleaner because it contains potassium, this ingredient stimulates the production of urine, so it becomes a particular food to combat fluid retention.
- It also helps us fight constipation and facilitate our digestion in a very natural way, thanks to its minerals.
- It helps us to lose weight since it contains specific satiating properties that make our desire to eat less. Also, it activates the functioning of our metabolism.
- Consuming it in soups can help you relax, improve anxiety, and insomnia since it contains minerals in the haze.
- For those hypertensive people, it is highly recommended since it reduces blood pressure.
It is a food with many benefits. My grandmother gave us celery drinks the most, and now I prefer to eat it at meals. It has many benefits and helps regulate sleep.
It is a plant whose leaves are edible, large, and dark green.
In our Colombian kitchen, it used to prepare some snacks and salads, to add to the smoothies, smoothies or green juices, we can also combine it with the egg, with pasta and it also serves to connect with some sauces. It is a food quite appreciated by Colombians, and its best-known benefits are:
- Spinach contains iron, so it promotes the transport and deposition of oxygen in the tissues.
- Increase muscle strength.
- It helps us lose weight since it has a low caloric content.
- It favors our intestinal transit.
- Promotes energy and vitality.
- It reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
- It is a highly recommended ingredient for pregnant women and children.
- It improves our vision.
- It keeps our blood pressure in a very balanced way.
It is a plant whose bulb is edible, and we can find it white or reddish in the market, its layers are very tender and juicy, having a strong smell and a spicy flavor.
In our kitchen, it usually used to dress most of our food. It also serves to give individual spicy and strong notes to salads, it serves as a marinade either alone or with other ingredients, and we can also use them to caramelize our meats. I especially love this ingredient, and its benefits are more so, so let's meet them:
- It helps improve our circulation, thanks to its quercetin content. Even thanks to this compound that it contains, it helps us reduce blood cholesterol and dissolves blood clots.
- It significantly improves anemia, because it gives us phosphorus, iron, and vitamin E, which help us replenish the blood we have lost.
- It helps us in the cold since it is rich in vitamins A and C.
- It is a recommended food for children and pregnant women since it handles a high content of folates that help the growth and development of the fetus.
Onion is a food that has many benefits and that we must include in our diet. Eat the onion in salads or as the main ingredient for all our meals.
It is the fruit of the tomato. It is edible, red skin, smooth and bright, its pulp is quite juicy.
In our kitchen, it has full versatility. It serves us to use it raw as a salad, as an ingredient in some cold soups and even to take as juice. It also helps us to cook, being the protagonist in tomato soup or the Pomodoro sauce, and without a doubt, the secret touch for a tasty stew. Among its benefits most known are:
- It helps protect our eyesight thanks to its vitamin A content.
- It improves blood circulation because it contains iron, an essential mineral for a good blood condition.
- This ingredient helps the care of our skin, as it contains antioxidant properties, thus being a very natural remedy against aging and skincare.
- Avoid constipation due to its high fiber content, helping to protect our intestinal transit.
For these reasons, we include tomatoes in our daily diet.
It is a plant whose bulb is white skin, which forms ahead divided into segments that we usually call teeth. In each head, we can find 6 to 12 teeth.
In our kitchen, it usually serves as a condiment for our recipes or a marinade for meat. Naturally or in powder form; It also helps to aromatize the oil or in the preparation of some sauces. It has gained prominence in dishes such as chicken in garlic sauce and garlic shrimp. The best-known benefits of garlic are:
- Garlic has an antibiotic power that helps to strengthen our immune system, to cure minor infections, favors wound healing, and is suitable for colds.
- It is an excellent detoxifier. It helps us to purify toxins, eliminate parasites, and release the remains of medicines that the liver cannot process, all these thanks to its content of vitamins A, B, and C.
- It helps us in skincare since it is rich in antioxidants, which protect our skin and help us fight acne problems.
And like these, there are several benefits that it can offer us, but best of all is its flavor, it gives an exceptional touch to each meal, making them much more delicious.
It is a plant whose fruit is edible, is elongated, covered with dark and bright purple skin.
In our kitchen, it serves to prepare various dishes, including stuffed eggplant, although it can also make sautéed or roasted, baked, and fried. The best-known benefits of this fruit are:
- It helps us lose weight, especially in the abdominal area, because it has very few calories, and also fights excess fat in the abdomen.
- Protects cardiovascular health.
- It decreases excess lipids in the arteries.
- Avoid liquid retention.
- Strengthens the health of our brains.
Red paprika or pepper:
It is a vegetable whose shape, size, and color is variable since we can find it green, red, yellow, etc. Its flavor can be sweet or spicy.
In our kitchen, It serves to give sweet, smoked, or spicy touches to our meals. It all depends on how we buy it in the market. We use it in the preparation of rice, salads, or the seasoning of certain foods and meats. Its most important benefits are:
- It helps prevent prostate cancer, as it is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant property.
- Strengthens the health of the colon, thanks to its fiber content.
- It improves memory, thanks to the antioxidant contribution it makes to our body, thus helping to grow our brain capacity.
- Protects our cardiovascular health thanks to its vitamin C content.
- Reduces insomnia, anxiety, and premenstrual syndrome.
It is essential to know that it is not convenient to consume it in large quantities or accompany them with other foods that contain vitamin C since it can cause stomach pain or diarrhea.
It is a vegetal, whose plants have abundant floral heads that are fleshy and edible, green in color. In the market, we can find it easily thanks to its tree-like appearance.
In the kitchen, it serves to bring freshness and exceptional flavors to salads, cakes, sauces for pasta, or sautéed. Its cooking cannot exceed 10 minutes so that its color and its crunchy texture preserved. Among its benefits are:
- It helps us against cancer, thanks to its high content of sulforaphane, an antioxidant compound.
- It helps us to have a healthy heart, as it triggers the production of proteins that protects against the damage of heart cells.
- It helps us to anti-aging the skin since it contains a protein called BOP, which slows aging and promotes regeneration in case of burns.
- It is an excellent source of vitamins, iron, folic acid, and fiber that help us have good health, recommended for people with anemia, constipation, and people in pregnancy.
It is a reasonably rich food when consumed, and when used, sautéed retains all its nutrients.
It is a plant composed of a white head, called mass or pella, and that is the part used for its consumption.
In our kitchen, it is a food that used to make salads, creams, purees, or more original dishes that we find in some areas of the country. It can eat raw, having adequate cleaning, or cooked, recommending methods such as steam cooking or baking. In this way, it will not lose its properties or nutrients. Its benefits are:
- It helps to lose weight, thanks to its fiber and vegetable protein content that delay digestion and quickly satisfy our hunger without offering many calories.
- It is an effective anti-inflammatory since it contains Omega 3 and vitamin K, which help us in cases of arthritis, chronic pain, among others.
And being a vegetable belonging to the broccoli family, they provide very similar benefits.
It is a tender bud that obtained from asparagus. It is edible. Its shape is elongated and green or white.
In the Colombian kitchen, this ingredient is very dear since it serves us to add to other foods, and that allows it to be easy to chew. It consumed in salads, and if consumed, only admits all kinds of dressings and dressings. However, we also use it for the accompaniment of dishes with meats or fish, where its flavor is the delicate and delicious aroma. Its most outstanding benefits are:
- It helps us prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
- Strengthen our brain.
- It is a detoxifier and a natural diuretic.
- It can prevent cancer diseases.
- It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The asparagus is essential for the water content, the high fiber content, the presence of minerals such as magnesium and calcium, and the presence of vitamins such as B, C, and E.
It is a kind of plant that has many variations, its growth is growing, so it can consume throughout the year.
In our kitchen, it usually used to add to salads or hamburgers since it gives them enough freshness, used raw. Among its benefits are:
- It is useful in cases of constipation, thanks to its fiber.
- Fight anemia.
- It helps us control high cholesterol, as it is a source of antioxidants.
- Regulates sugar levels, making it ideal for diabetic patients.
- It is rich in vi A, E, C, B1, B2, and B3, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.
Lettuce is the queen of our salads. It cannot be missing in our diet.
Pumpkin or Auyama:
It is a fruit of the pumpkin, which is edible and large, its shape is round, and its interior color is yellow or orange, with many seeds in the center.
This ingredient is quite versatile and serves us to use it in different dishes, whether sweet or savory, cold or hot, but yes, always cooked. The most common preparations that we can find are those of pumpkin soup, pumpkin candy, among others. Their most common benefits are the following:
- It helps us improve blood pressure, thanks to its vitamin C, fiber, and potassium content.
- It helps fertility, thanks to the properties of its iron.
- Take care of our eyes, thanks to the presence of vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene, which helps prevent degenerative damage to the eyes.
- Strengthen our immune system.
Eating this food can be very important for our health.
It is a cylindrical vegetable, green or yellow, with a sweet and sour taste.
It is an ingredient that serves us to use in salads or as snacks, replacing many proteins for those who are vegetarian and do not consume meat. The most common benefits we can find in this ingredient are:
- It helps control asthma since it contains vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Prevents scurvy, which is caused by vitamin C deficiency.
- It is a perfect ingredient for eyesight, as it contains lutein.
- Its consumption helps us to protect against colon cancer.
- It keeps our bones healthy since it is a source of magnesium and phosphorus.
- Besides, it is a source of vitamins, such as B6, vitamin A, and many other nutrients.
It is delicious food. You can consume it in small slices and sauté them before consumption.
It is an edible bulb plant, white and elongated, and straightforward.
In Colombian cuisine, it usually serves as a condiment in many dishes, since it has a mild onion flavor. The edible portions are the white part of the leaves, the light green parts, and in less quantity the dark green ones. It can be prepared cooked and will remain soft in taste. If fried, its texture is crispy, and all the flavor preserved. And if raw used, ideally in salads. Its benefits are:
- Strengthen our immune system as it contains allicin.
- It contains antibacterial properties, so it can help us cure respiratory conditions such as cough.
- Super recommended for people who want to keep their line, that is, it helps us control our weight.
- It gives us diuretic properties.
- It has a high fiber content.
- It helps lower cholesterol.
- Its essential oil helps stimulate the appetite.
It is a complete ingredient and just as delicious as onion.
Other ingredients:
Fish and Seafood, cereals, and fruits.
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